The WindNSun Dual Control Chevron Diamond Stunt Kite is an excellent option for kite fliers of any ages that want to learn stunt kite flying. As this kite has a 32" W x 36" H sail, it provides a great opportunity for people hoping to learn stunt kite flying with two handles. This kite is designed with modern Rip-Stop nylon kite sails and fiberglass airframes for superior strength and durability. The kite flies best within the wind range of 7 to 18 MPH. The Sky Tails attached to the bottom of the kite allow kite fliers to have better control during aerial maneuvers. The Sky Tails are also highly detailed, as is the kite itself, to keep spectators admiring from afar. 100 feet of 55-pound line and two handles allow for increased maneuverability and handling, this kite handles extremely well whether you are a novice or an expert stunt kite flier. The WindNSun Dual Control Chevron Diamond Stunt Kite is quick and easy to assemble, you will be enjoying your new stunt flying experience within minutes. Recommended for ages 10 to adult.
1 week ago
1 month ago